It is very easy in life to fall into a routine or habit that causes us to miss what God has in store for us within the body of Christ. Everyday the Lord gives us signs in nature and even speaks through people when they open themselves up to Him as that vessel that He wants us to be. But far too often we have our doors closed in our own selfish ambitions and we forget how to listen for that Word of God that needs to be heard and applied to our lives to make it better.
Life is not about this place nor is it about selfish living. It is about us teaching our children how to stand strong with God and have faith in every circumstance to serve one another as Christ demonstrated here on earth. We all have a part and a duty within the body of Christ to demonstrate love and to be an true Christian example whether in the public eye or not. It is not our job to focus on others but to learn how to focus on ourselves to be the best we can be while praising God in His grace for setting each one of us free.
I challenge you today and every other day to seek God first and ask Him for the wisdom and strength to be the best you can be in everything you do. Never lose hope or give up on what you know in your heart and always keep your door opened to help others however you can…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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