In life it is normal due to our sinful nature to become weak in the flesh and have doubts in what we physically see. Our worries and doubts don’t come from God, but from Satan in wanting to hold us back from the blessing or blessings that the Lord has placed in front of us. Throughout the entire Holy Bible we are taught of many faithful individuals who had doubts like Moses, Sara, Abraham, Gideon, Zechariah, and even the Israelites. But through their faith in God they believed in Him to bring them through and they did not become stuck in their circumstances which they had to face.
When you believe in your heart that the Lord can give you what you need then learn to trust in Him to deliver you to the other side. For it is when we fall to the flesh in being consumed within our issues that we can become unproductive in what we have to do. We all have a purpose and a specific talent which has been given by God and it is our job to align our hearts and use our talents to serve Him the best we know how.
As we go through life it is not our job to worry about how something will come together. It is our job to do the work and allow the Lord to supply our needs in His timing and not in ours. Never force something or feel pressured, but always follow what you know is right by God within your heart and do the work it takes to get the job done. It is normal in this life to have doubts , but don’t allow your doubts to cause you to miss something in God’s glory! Always believe and trust in the Lord to give you the wisdom and strength in the spirit to help you succeed.
It is when we take steps on our own without trusting in God that we are destined to fall. No matter what you are facing or going through learn to look up and never look down! As Solomon said in Proverbs 3:6 Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take…amen
James Harrison / Servant
Let him know God will never leave or forsake him, he is right in the prison with him. Jesus loves him so much, Gods strength is always there when we are weak. I will be praying for him
Sister Vicki
Please pray for my son’s safty while he is in state prison. he fill alone in his walk for the Lord and is being beaten by gang members for not doing what they tell him to do. he can’t tell anyone or they will kill him. he was to be released Jan 17, 2010, but the treouble he has gotten into with them beating him, he got more time. please fry for his faith to grow and for him to return home safe.
for got to tell you my sons name Elliott Nielsen
We will pray for your son and encourage him in his walk for we all go through different trials to learn where we went wrong and to learn how to trust in God instead of man.
Tell him as he grows stonger in his walk he can help encourage others along the way. We all are here to serve no matter where we may be. If you will send us his mailing address we will forward him a book to read that will point him to the Word of God. May God give you and your family an inner strength and peace to help others that may be going through their trials…amen