When we live and work among ungodly people it is imperative to not allow our environment to shape who we are. It is our duty as a true Christian to share what God has given and allow His love that is shown through our actions to help shape the world that is around us. For how good is our witness when we blend in with the world but we want to claim to stand for what is right?
This is where so many people have fallen because they feel it is okay to live one way in front of some but then act another way in front of others. And then there are those who have filled their barns and even built more because they don’t understand who gives and takes away. This is such a false witness!!! I’ll never forget someone in my family telling me that I should not drink or smoke because of what it brings upon us but at that same moment they had a cup in their hand with smoke on their breath. If God has blessed you then bless others! If someone is in need help them, as a Christian should do! I plead with you from my heart to be real in your witness for in the end we are all accountable for our actions and the last thing any caring individual should want is to know that they may have caused someone else to stumble.
Serving the Lord does not mean only our leaders in the church!!! It is every individuals responsibility to serve where they have been planted. Because when we learn how to commit ourselves in serving others then we are in turn serving God. He will not only give us the strength we need but He can also restore what has been broken. I challenge you today to make difference in the world which you live and be real in everything you do. There is great power in the name of Jesus when we allow Him to shine through…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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