In life it is very easy to harbor our hurts and cover up our pains on the outside but when we do this then we are only allowing Satan to rob us of the freedom that we can have through Jesus Christ. If we are not careful in our hurts sometimes our pains can turn into bitterness when we don’t properly understand the Word of God and this infection will often spread to others until we learn how to overcome our trials in life. Not only can our pains cause us to be bitter but they can also cause us to settle for something less when we can do even more.This is how Satan works in our lives by never wanting us to be who God set us out to be.
When we allow bitterness to grow in our lives without learning to forgive those that may have hurt us then we are allowing Satan to control our lives to the point that we often can’t see what God is trying to teach us. For in every life there is a lesson and until we learn how to search for the answers and do the work it takes to overcome our issues then we are only going to face the same cycle of events over and over.
It is imperative to know that bitterness is of Satan and God uses our hurts to develop us into who we are set out to be. Until we learn how to truly forgive and turn our issues over to the Lord then we are only carrying around a time bomb that can explode at any given moment. Sometimes in life we have to look at the pain to establish the root of the problem and if we avoid the pain then there is no gain.
When God reveals something to us we are to look within ourselves and apply it to our lives to help us take another step in life. But so many times we want to lash out at one another instead of praying for God to reveal the lesson to our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Lord plainly teaches us that vengeance is His and the righteous always rejoice when the truth wins out, but so many times we take matters into our own hands instead of trusting in God to work it all out.
I challenge you this week and every other week to turn your bitterness over to the Lord through the blood of Jesus and allow God to use your hurts to help others along the Way. Until we can openly talk about where we have been then how can we honestly even think about where we are going? Our hurts take time to overcome when we carry them for many years but when we learn to shake them from the point of beginning then they are less likely to set up the wrong roots that can rob us of the life that we can have through the love of Jesus Christ…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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