There is not one of us that can’t see the situation of what we have before us here in The United States of America that is now spreading around the world. With this said we all know something has to happen in order to overcome this economic meltdown and I am here to tell you we can only patch the problem for so long before the fall!
We can only prolong the inevitable for so long until we have to face the truth in our wrongs to make them right. It is time for us to come together and do the work we need to do without all the talk and so little action. If we do not pull together and quit pointing blame then our children are going to suffer something worse than we have ever seen! There comes a point in life that we must humble ourselves to face the truth in order to stand again.
This situation we have here in America can be fixed! But only with God giving us the direction we need to help us rebuild this beautiful nation!!!
James Harrison
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