If a seasoning has no flavor, it has no value. If Christians make no effort to affect the world around them then are of little value. Christians should not blend in with everyone else. Instead we should affect others positively just as seasoning brings out the best flavor in food….
The Truth In Spiritual Warfare
This post is a little deep for those that have fallen asleep but to those with the eyes to see they will recognize this Truth and continue to believe. Since the formation of this country here in America spiritually Satan has been at work to regain the control that he once had from our foreign nations. It is wise to recognize one simple fact and that is that Satan does not want us to be free due to the prison that he is in.
The United States Of America has been under attack spiritually by Satan that has been working since the formation of this country to remove the principles of God from our foundation. Spiritually Satan knows that once he accomplishes the removal of God from our lives then we will no longer know how to recognize the discipline of God that comes in the Holy Spirit and this opens the doors to a nation gone wild.
This is why our government continues to grow to control the people in removing our freedoms because without the Word of God in our lives then our spirits are like wild horses with no reigns. As this continues to grow in removing God from the center of our lives in this nation then this brings the stronghold of Satan by teaching individuals to lean on man instead of learning to trust in God. If America does not Wake Up to this Truth then we are only setting the stage for what is to come in accepting anything that comes our way. This then opens the door for the anti-christ to move right in… This is no joke and America better Wake Up to this Truth. Don’t be blindsided and say that you were not warned. For there is an awakening that is taking place across our nation from Glen Beck on his knees on Fox news in prayer to Christians on the move to stand for our children’s future. It is time that we take heed to the Word Of God and recognize the Truth that is taught in the Holy Bible for our countries future…amen
James Harrison
Strive In Love…
It is very easy in our human character to become lazy and only do what it takes to get by. But since when are Christians to drift through life and not strive to make something better in everyday that we are given? Satan wants us to fall weak and complacent in our homes, in our work, in our relationships, and especially in the church to the point that we lose that fire in our first love that keeps us from moving forward.
Love is not something we are to only share with our spouse or our children. Love is something that should be reflected with everyone we meet and in everything we do. When we learn to work for God instead of ourselves it is truly amazing at the joy we will find. Every time you get ready to do something ask yourself,” Am I doing this for what I will get out of this, or am I doing this for the glory of God?”
When we quit looking at what we we will temporarily gain and learn to focus on the eternal rewards in Heaven above then we will begin to discover our purpose in life through Jesus Christ. All it takes is that first step out of the darkness into the light that you will begin to see like never before. I challenge you today and every other day to do the work it takes to keep your love alive and do the best you can in everything you do…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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