No matter our position in life we are to be an example to others through the love of Jesus Christ. Believe it or not, people look at us everyday how we walk, how we talk, how we serve, and how we act. Our children learn from our lives by the way we carry ourselves but far too often we neglect how our lives have an impact on others by only thinking about ourselves.
Our children are often a reflection of who we are, and if we truly want something better for them then we need to lead by example in everything we do. This applies to every aspect of life from our careers, to our homes, and especially in the church. It is not right by God to act one way in front of some but then act totally different in front of others. Life is about being REAL in everything we do and if we can’t be who we are under God then what type of example is this teaching to those that may be looking up to us?
For what good is life if we can’t pass on what has been shared and given to us? Life is not about selfish survival it is about maturing in the Word of God to help others along the Way. I challenge you today and every other day to pay more attention to the person you are under God. Don’t fall to Satan and only think of yourself but strive to be the best example you can be in everything you do to show the love of Jesus working through you…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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