God gives each of us choices everyday to make and we all have made wrong decisions in life. Some of our wrong decisions may have even caused us pain but they can help us learn to make better decisions in the future. Living with the consequences of our choices does not mean that we walk around unhappy or complaining but they teach us to think and choose more carefully as we go further in life. Not only will they help us to grow but when we accept our responsibilities for our actions then we are to lead by example in teaching others to be wise in their steps to insure something of God and not of Satan.
Not all opportunities are of God! Many are of Satan to distract us from our commitments and to detour us from the path we are on. God wants us to honor our commitments and stay focused in life where Satan wants us to look at everything else instead of what we already have. It is Satan’s objective to make something look good at first but what we must recall is what Jesus taught us in the wilderness when tempted by Satan. Our Lord and Saviour taught us to look beyond our immediate desires to insure the future outcome, and if the future outcome can separate us from what we have then it is best to stay where we are .
For what may look good now might not be good for later, and when we base our decisions thinking of only ourselves then we need to reevaluate the situation. This life is of learning to honor our commitments and putting our desires behind others to help teach our children a better way of life through the love of Jesus Christ.
I challenge you today and every other day to grab hold in your commitments and do what it takes in love to see them through. Don’t allow Satan to distract you from what you have been given and chase the wind of this worldly sin. For there is honor when we accept our decisions and learn to walk on in life through the love of Jesus Christ…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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