When God rescued the Israelites from the Egyptians He carried them through a journey that was to teach them how to follow and obey. This lesson was not only for them at that time but it was a first hand lesson from our Father in Heaven for us to still follow today. It is very important for us to know history but what use is it if we don’t learn to look beyond what we see to hear what God is trying to teach us so we can learn to (not) follow the same path that once led us astray?
It is in our human nature to follow as we have been led but in every step we take as we mature we should be learning to apply our history while seeking God for the wisdom to help direct our steps of the future.
If you notice in the story of Moses in the book of Exodus when the people were set free they did not ask where they were going or check with a travel agent to insure the type of accommodations that were ahead in their destination. They simply wanted out of their suppression and was willing to leave the moment that they were granted the permission to go. One of the first lessons in this was preparing ourselves for what we might be getting ready to go through before we act on our emotions without considering the sacrifice in our daily walk that is required to make something better for our children of the future.
Before the Israelites even got very far the Lord taught us another lesson in how not to get set in our ways for you never know which direction He will guide. The Lord teaches us here how He directs our steps and we should not get upset when something changes our direction. We are to accept our path and to learn to walk in faith however He guides us.
After God teaching us how He is the one that is in control and how He has all powers the Lord went on to teach us another vital lesson in how we are to move in life. If you recall in the book of Exodus the people would stay camped in their location as long as the spirit of God hovered over the tabernacle which gave them the instruction of when to move and when not. This teaches us a vital lesson in our spiritual recognition of how to have peace with God where we have temporarily been placed while being alert to follow as His Holy Spirit directs.
It is very easy for us in life to become lost in the wilderness and travel in circles to the point that we accept where we are instead of looking at what is holding us back. God has given each of us a promise of love and peace that comes when we learn to seek His will instead of our own. Many times we lose sight of this because we lose our drive when we take our eyes off of God and place them on what we see. It is easy to complain about our circumstances if we are not doing something to make them better and often we become lost in the wilderness because we forget how to rely on God instead of man.
What we see may be mountains but how we climb is by trusting in God one day at a time. For our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ taught us to focus on the day and not to worry about tomorrow. As the apostle Paul taught us in the ship before the storm it is wise to look beyond what we see to hear what needs to be heard…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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