It is so easy in life to stand in the crowd and conform to their ways but the real question is, do you know how to stand on your own under God without falling to the people or leaning upon someone else to get you through?
So many times we go with the flow because we don’t want to go through the work it takes to stand for what is right by God and not right by man. Could you imagine what the crowd felt after they came off of that spiritual misguidance in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? We all know what happened to Judas in his guilt and the fact of the matter is this,” Until we learn to speak the truth in love and stand our ground Satan is going to continue to misguide the people and our children are going to suffer for our tolerance in not knowing how to properly follow the Word of God.”
There comes a point in life that every individual must learn how to lean on the Lord and stand firmly with Him as one in the love of Jesus Christ, for in the end there is only one way and no one other than Jesus can bring you through.
James Harrison / Servant
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