Have you ever held out from speaking the truth while doing everything you can to hold on in the love which you know in your heart? Love suffers when we don’t speak the truth, and allows Satan to suppress the love that we carry.
It is in our human nature of a loving individual to not want to hurt someone else’s feelings but when we don’t share with others what we know in our hearts to be true then we are only allowing Satan to rob us of the seeds that need to be planted.
The object in speaking the truth is learning how to recognize the timing of when to plant and how to deliver the message so that it is received. For if we plant too soon the ground may not be fertile and if we plant too late someone could come up short in the harvest.
God prepares our hearts to receive His instruction in His timing and not in our own. Many individuals have forgotten the art of planting and the importance of spreading the nutrients in the Word of God in a loving way to help keep the weeds from taking over. A seed that is delicately placed then covered with love and then nurtured to maturity will be the most productive in life.
As a plant matures, if the environment was always perfect how would it know how to stand in the storms of this fallen world? We all get blown around from time to time but the object is to stay planted and learn how to rely on the roots to keep us intact. This is why it so vital that we teach our children the Word of God and then help them develop their character in love with principles that will help them stand in the future. For nothing in this world is perfect no matter how hard we try to create because we must remember that we are not the Creator.
As a flower spreads its pollen in the wind it is never released until the time is right nor ever forced upon another flower so that it is properly received. For someone to discover the love that we carry they must witness it in our walk and this will plant the seed of Jesus in teaching others how to believe.
Love is never directed but comes in our freewill when we learn how to give and receive…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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