So many times in life we get consumed in our present conditions and we allow Satan to restrict our vision to the point that we can not look past the present to see the future. Have you ever been in a situation where it consumed you like a bad relationship, a rebellious child, a broken home, issues at work or by something just not going the way you wanted it to go?
There is a reason for everything in life and we must remember that we are not the one’s in control. Our life is here for a purpose to overcome and learn how to share our testimonies with others to help them along the way. For if we are not trusting God and appeciating the time it takes to develop who we really are then can you see how Satan can be robbing us of not only our present life but also the future?
I challenge you today and every other day to look for the good in every circumstance by learning to work in faith towards better days ahead. With Jesus in our hearts and learning to trust in God our lives can have a peace when we quit working for the immediate and start focusing on our children’s future…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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