Here recently the Lord has been leading me to write out for further clarity the importance of discipleship and the vitality of recognizing the spiritual maturity of others before we speak. As we look upon the disciples we can recognize that not only did they go out to share the Good News but they also took responsibility for the new births. They did not just care about the “numbers” of who came to Christ but they understood their responsibility of continuing to teach Gods Word in order for each new child to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
God’s Word Still Stands
The Book of Instruction that was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai reveals to us God’s nature and character. At first glance, to the unbeliever this may seem irrelevant due to our high-tech world but when we dig deeper we realize that the Holy Bible still speaks to us today.
God has not changed and His principles are for all times. As people and society change we should be constantly searching for ways to apply the principles of God to our present circumstances. It is easy to now see here in America the results of removing our focus God and when we look at history from the fall of Rome to the rise and fall of Israel we can witness the parallel to America today.
May God forgive us of our national sin and it is my humbled cry that God will raise up Godly leaders that are prepared to serve the people instead of themselves. In addition I pray that God will give the people the eyes and ears to recognize the Truth on the inside instead of judging someone based on the outside…amen
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever…For He is the Truth, the Way and the Light…
James A. Harrison
Stay In Tune With God….
The Lord plainly tells us how to recognize a false prophet or someone that claims to be a child of God by the fruit they bare. If there is no fruit then they are illegitimate children without the roots which keep them intact to feed the people. Many people talk the talk but there is a major difference in someone who walks the walk and those that raise themselves up into a position that is to be given by God.
God spoke to Moses and then instructed him to speak to Aaron in order to teach us how to recognize the Word of God that speaks through the leaders He raises up. Since the vale has been torn God now speaks in many ways that we often miss simply because we don’t know His Word. For how can we recognize the Word if we don’t know the Word and how can we see something if we don’t know what we are looking for? I urge you to to step out of the world in order to listen for the Truth. The longer we sleep the more we miss and the further we fall the harder the hit. If you recall the time frame of Eli and Samuel the lamp was dim without vision because the people had drifted away from God… May I urge you to hear the call and to recognize the signs for our children’s future….Enjoy this video by Lee Greenwood and may it inspire you to STAND UP in the Truth of God…
James A. Harrison
Honesty Opens The Door To Freedom…
It is very easy in this human life to avoid the Truth that sets us free. The longer that we avoid the necessity of studying and applying Gods Word to our lives the further we will fall into the darkness of this world. Without examining our inner most self on a daily basis this opens the door for Satan to spiritually plant something that we never see coming.
Like cancer, sin that is contained within can spread throughout the body and infect many parts. The sad part is how we tend to cover up our sins or hide them due to our pride because we are too worried about how someone else may look upon us instead of being more concerned in how the Lord sees us. We all know people that are hiding things as we have done so ourselves but until we can learn to be open and honest in accepting who we are under God then we will remain in the chains of bondage.
There is nothing worse than to be under conviction while in sin and continuing to give Satan victory over our lives due to our own pride. Way too many times we choose to avoid the Truth due to the initial pain but when we learn to make that step is when God will take care of the rest. If you are struggling deep down inside with something or maybe carrying a deep hurt it is our prayer that you will seek the light of Jesus Christ to see your way out of the darkness…Amen
James A. Harrison
Confession Brings Freedom
Did you know that our unconfessed sins can lead us into depression and place us in a spiritual prison? They can also cause us many different types of health issues and can have a negative affect on those around us. Our pride that causes us to hold back confession allows Satan to enter our lives in order to restrict the healing that comes in the Truth of God.
Through our confessions there comes freedom in Christ but too many times we allow Satan to hold us back because we don’t want others to see where we have been wrong. So what about what others might think! Isn’t your relationship with God more important than your relationship with man? We all make make mistakes from time to time but the object is to humble ourselves in Christ and learn from them to not repeat again.
If you are allowing the same sin to continue then I strongly urge you to examine yourself in the mirror of God. For true repentance does not repeat the same action…
James A. Harrison
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