The Book of Instruction that was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai reveals to us God’s nature and character. At first glance, to the unbeliever this may seem irrelevant due to our high-tech world but when we dig deeper we realize that the Holy Bible still speaks to us today.
God has not changed and His principles are for all times. As people and society change we should be constantly searching for ways to apply the principles of God to our present circumstances. It is easy to now see here in America the results of removing our focus God and when we look at history from the fall of Rome to the rise and fall of Israel we can witness the parallel to America today.
May God forgive us of our national sin and it is my humbled cry that God will raise up Godly leaders that are prepared to serve the people instead of themselves. In addition I pray that God will give the people the eyes and ears to recognize the Truth on the inside instead of judging someone based on the outside…amen
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever…For He is the Truth, the Way and the Light…
James A. Harrison
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