It is very easy in this human life to avoid the Truth that sets us free. The longer that we avoid the necessity of studying and applying Gods Word to our lives the further we will fall into the darkness of this world. Without examining our inner most self on a daily basis this opens the door for Satan to spiritually plant something that we never see coming.
Like cancer, sin that is contained within can spread throughout the body and infect many parts. The sad part is how we tend to cover up our sins or hide them due to our pride because we are too worried about how someone else may look upon us instead of being more concerned in how the Lord sees us. We all know people that are hiding things as we have done so ourselves but until we can learn to be open and honest in accepting who we are under God then we will remain in the chains of bondage.
There is nothing worse than to be under conviction while in sin and continuing to give Satan victory over our lives due to our own pride. Way too many times we choose to avoid the Truth due to the initial pain but when we learn to make that step is when God will take care of the rest. If you are struggling deep down inside with something or maybe carrying a deep hurt it is our prayer that you will seek the light of Jesus Christ to see your way out of the darkness…Amen
James A. Harrison
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