When we do not understand how to trust in God and follow our heart then we become very vulnerable to the spiritual control of Satan. One of the most deceptive spirits of Satan is the influence of power which can lead to a controlling spirit when we don’t understand the Word of God. Within this controlling spirit of Satan its’ main objective is to rob us of our spiritual freedom that we have been given through the blood of Jesus Christ in order to suppress the love that we carry and to keep us from being who we are as a child of God.
It is important to recall the main objective of Satan in robbing us of our freedom and wanting us to live under his control because this is how he receives his influence and power. If you open your eyes to this truth we can see how Satan has been working spiritually over the years to control our homes, our churches and our nations through individuals that failed to recognize who they were following in their selfish ambitions which enslaved the people. Our freedom comes in our freewill which we have been given by God in the choices which we can make, and if we are not careful to recognize the traps of Satan which can suppress us in our decisions then we could be setting ourselves up to be robbed of the joy which we carry in Christ.
The spiritual deception that comes in influence and power is a very strong spirit that can ultimately lead to destruction if we are not careful to understand what is taking place under God. Many people have been robbed of their freedom because of how others have failed to live in love and trust God to hold things together instead of themselves. There isn’t a one of us that have never had to face some type of fear when speaking the truth, but when we can’t share what we know in our hearts to be true with one another in love then we need to ask ourselves who we are really falling to.
In the freedom which God has given us it is vital that we understand the purpose of self discipline under God in order to maintain what we have. Without God man can not handle power and without the love of Jesus in our hearts we lose touch with the people! Learning to trust in God is a simple but difficult thing to do in our flesh. Because in the flesh we have fears of losing control rather than learning how to advance in the kingdom of God by allowing Him to hold things together rather than us trying to do it on our own.
Throughout the Word of God He teaches us to respect every position while allowing the Lord to guide us in the spirit to reach our destinations to serve His will instead of our own personal desires. It is the Lords’ will that we all learn how to love one another for who we are under God with Him in front while each one of us learn how to work together as one in the love of Jesus Christ to reach our destinations in life.
Until we learn how to face our fears and share our hearts with one another in true love then we only allow Satan to hold us in a spiritual prison which robs us of who we really are as a child of God. This spiritual lesson was taught in the book of Exodus with Moses as he had to address the spirit which was causing Pharoah to harden his heart and suppress the people because of his own fears of losing them.
In life we all have to face our own types of Pharoahs in order to be set free from the spiritual bondage of Satan. These Pharaohs are not always in others but they are also our own fears that we carry deep within the inside of ourselves because we simply don’t how to speak the truth in order to be set free. In the spiritual lesson of Moses we learn how to follow God instead of man by trusting in Him to get us to the other side to help our children of tomorrow. I challenge every reader that reads this message to recognize the spiritual deception of Satan that takes place when we try to control our circumstances in life without allowing the love of Jesus to hold it all together…amen
Love is something that comes in our freewill without being influenced by something of this world in order to just be who we are under God to serve His will and not our own…
James Harrison
Balanced Life Ministry
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