There are two principles that make up the very foundation of God’s character and they are love and justice. These principles are not easy to keep in balance but they are essential to maintain who we are as a child of God. Some people are loving to the point that they excuse wrong doing while other people are just the opposite in forgetting how to love .
Love without justice leaves people in their sins because it is not aiming them to higher standards. On the other hand justice without love drives people away from God because it has no heart. To specialize in one and forget the other causes a distortion in our witness while leaving a negative impact on someone else.
When you are called to discipline someone else like your children, students, employees or other church members do not be rigid. Vary your approach according to the goals you are seeking to accomplish and in each case ask yourself this question before your act, “Does this person need guidance or do they need to be nurtured?”
God is patient with us and we should be patient with others…
James A. Harrison
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