When we learn how to love for what is in us rather than for what we see is when we show others the proper way to believe. It is very important to remember that everything on the outside is always fading away while what we have on the inside should be growing stronger everyday.
By learning to love one another for who we are under God teaches us to respect each person for the roll that each one of us carry. Not a one of us look the same, dress the same, talk the same, or may live the same but it is our place through Jesus Christ to love unconditionally no matter the differences we may have.
Spiritually Satan wants us to see the differences in people on the outside rather than learning to love someone for who they are on the inside because he knows that true love is not divided. I challenge you today to learn to look through the spiritual eyes of God to learn how to love what God has before you instead of allowing Satan to spiritually overlook what could be right in front of you…amen
So many times in life we overlook the blessings that we already have because we are too busy chasing the wind…
James Harrison
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