Can you imagine how a butterfly must feel when ready to come out of the cocoon? Can you imagine if there was more than one butterfly within the cocoon in how uncomfortable it would be as God was preparing each one to be set free? Do you think the butterfly would want to stay with his home and possibly fight against the spiritual push?
The object in life is to never grow comfortable where we are and to recognize when God is preparing us to move. For when we fight against the spiritual shift of God is when things will become uncomfortable for ourselves and eventually others as well. Another point to recognize is what happens when we overlook the guidance of God and hang out too long. Because the longer we overlook the signs the harder the move will become.
Unfortunately, way too often it takes a storm to carry us forward because we become too comfortable on the branch in which we stand. If you are experiencing the nudge of change be open to follow as God directs and be ready to move when He says to move…Amen
James A. Harrison
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