Have you ever compared yourself to a butterfly in the wind or are you a more like that hard shelled bug that flies in the air? There is alot of wisdom in this comparison because the next time you are driving your car watch what happens to the butterfly who often does not take the direct hit of the car. They often miss the moving object because God’s hand picks them up in the wind and sets them down before the fall.
On the other hand though the bugs that take the direct hit are often the ones that are flying so hard that they never see what is coming. Is this your life? Are you flying so hard that you feel as if you are being hit by a car everyday that you go out? Are you struggling to keep yourself in the air while blows just seem to be coming out of no where? Maybe this is because you have forgotten how to fly and you are trying to do it on your own.
The object in learning how to fly is also learning how to land. We all have obstacles and have to face turbulence from time to time but all that matters is that we allow God to raise us up and set us down. Examine your heart for the gentleness and compassion of God as well as the strength to stand strong in the winds ahead. Because when we learn to fly with God He will give us the navigation to bring us home…
James A. Harrison
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