Our children are like butterflies that start out so gentle with skin that is soft to the touch. Their spirits at birth are fragile and easy to crush until they learn how to fly on their own in the spirit of God. Teaching our children how to stand and how to fly is essential for the days that they have ahead because if we fail to teach them the Word of God then they are subject to land in a place without intention.
This world is full of winds that can blow us all around and some that can even take us down. The Word of God is a foundation that can’t be moved and it is imperative that we teach our children His Word and lead by example. If your children were to describe your life as a butterfly in the wind how would they say you react from within?
We never know which way the wind may blow or how the storms may come but if we teach our children how to be anchored to the rock of Jesus then they are better prepared for the day they have to fly on their own. Please click on this brief vidieo clip of a song and relax a moment to enjoy the peace of God instead of trying to chase the wind…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmC3rJR7E98&feature=fvsr
James A. Harrison
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