It is very easy for us in our human nature when we are under pressure to make shallow decisions without considering the possible outcome in the future. A person does not know what they will do in their pressures unless they know how to trust in God rather than in man. Our emotions and feelings are very deceiving when we do not know how to apply them to the Word of God and wait on Him to bring things together rather than trying to do it ourselves.
When we do not know God and pressures come our way we often cave in when we don’t understand what is taking place. With God at our side not only do we learn how to stand but we also learn how to fall. For if we do not know when to step forward and when to take a step back then we are only setting ourselves up for a stumble in the future.
It is very important to surround ourselves with other brothers and sisters in Christ to help us in times of need. For as we learn to hold up the arms of one another when we become weak is how we learn to overcome our battles. I challenge you today to help hold up each other in the glory of God to gain strength and Victory for our children’s future…amen
James Harrison
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