There are principles within every instrument that must be understood in order to maintain the tune. Within every instrument that is born we all learn to play as we learn to listen. The object is to allow each instrument to develop in their own timing and not try to force them in ours. Learning to teach with God directing the way allows us to discover the journey of change and being open to learn what works for someone else rather than the way it may have worked for us.
It is easy to allow our traditions to blind us when we get out of tune from God’s Word and forget who is in control. Sometimes we allow traditions to get in the way due to following everyon else instead of insuring the steps of our own. This lesson was taught in Luke 2 with Jesus’s parents as they followed the people and left Jesus behind. His parents had to re-track their steps back for three days before they finally found Jesus in the temple. They tried to pull Him out but little did His parents know the music that was being played to the elders who chose to listen.
Learning how to listen and recognize the development and talents of each individual around us should be teaching us how to work together as one without trying to change someone else’s individual tune. The music is love and the instruction comes in time as we learn to teach in ways that others can relate with no debate. Enjoy this awesome video of a three year old prodigy child playing the piano and how his mother looked for creative ways to teach her son. She did not discourage him due to his age nor did she discourage him due to the lack of his education. She simply recognized his own gift and discovered a way to further the development of these skills.
The object in teaching is learning the hearts of others and then learning how to capture their interest in creative ways to deliver the lessons to be received…Like the 3 year olds mother states in the video her son is driven more to play on his own than when being pressured by others… Here is the link to this creative teaching lesson
James A. Harrison
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