Life can be an emotional roller coaster when we fail to place our trust in God and we take matters into our own hands. Learning to communicate in love can be a strenuous thing in our flesh but when we learn to keep our eyes on the cross rather than the obstacle that may be before us is when God will carry us to the other side.
Seeking what is right by God rather than what we think is right for ourselves helps us to maintain a steady coarse without all the ups and downs. Just because we may have done something one way for so long does not mean that we can’t try something new. Think about it; The wind blows in many different directions and sometimes gentle with other times very strong but does this mean that we are to lose site of the objective? Absolutely Not! This just means that we learn to entrench ourselves in the Word of God to develop our senses as we are taught in Hebrews 5:14.
Then it just becomes application as Jesus taught us in Matthew 10:16 in being wise as a serpent and then as gentle as a dove. If your life is full of ups and downs don’t allow Satan to rob you of your joy. Stay the coarse and learn to trust God while being anchored to the Rock of Jesus who teaches us the Way…Amen
James A. Harrison
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