Once we make a decision to move forward there is no looking back unless it is in praise from where God has brought us from. Like a farmer who plants a crop he first must recognize the season before he sets the plow to the ground. It would be wise of the farmer to be ready and his tools to be sharp for the day in the season to begin. During the season the farmer doesn’t question the process for he simply follows the steps and then trust in God for the harvest that is sure to come.
There is nothing like planting seed in the Kingdom of God and actually witnessing something develop before our very eyes. Like a farmer sometimes there is a hit and a miss due to the drought but when he learns to tap the well to irrigate the crops is when the plants will strive while the others without water simply die. It is wise of the farmer to pay close attention to his crop to insure the nutrients that to be fed and to insure that no weeds begin to hinder the harvest.
Making Godly decisions is wise to understand whether in our homes, in the church or in our careers. For this message can apply to every individual as the farmer for once we put the plow to the ground in a commitment under God there is no looking back as we trust in the Lord to help us reach the other side. What good is a farmer if he was to quit just before the rain or simply because of the work that was before him?
Jesus said in Luke 9,”No one, having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the Kingdom of God.”
James A. Harrison
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