In today’s society it is easy to fall like many and take forgranted the commitments which we make with all the loop holes that have been created for us to take the easy way out. When we make a commitment in life there is no turning back or giving in! For if we make a commitment without accepting the bad with the good then we are only setting ourselves up for failure in the future.
Our commitments are only as good as our word and without God in the center they will eventually be broken. When we make a commitment in life it is imperative to look beyond our immediate desires to insure that we are willing to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to succeed. By holding ourselves accountable to God in our commitments helps give us the strength and wisdom to fulfill what we have set out to do.
For instance it is easy for me to tell someone that I can’t do this but when I take them out of the picture and look to God for the direction which I need to overcome then I am trusting in Him rather than trusting in my own limited capabilities. I challenge you to not take your commitments lightly and learn to place our Lord and Savior in the center of everything you do for He is the only one that can hold it together and see us through…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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