There is a wheel to life that is God’s will and that is for us to forgive one another in order for our own sins to be forgiven. Jesus tells us in Mark 11 that when we pray to first forgive anyone that we may be holding a grudge against, so that our Father in Heaven will forgive ours as well. What many people do not understand is when we allow a grudge to build in our lives that they affect not only our relationship with God but they also have negative affects on our health and with others.
Have you ever considered that God is the one that Created the wheel of life and how through the love of Jesus is what carries us forward? If you were to picture your life today as a wheel would you see flat spots? How about knots of unforgiveness? Are you carrying some things that maybe you need to let go of? How is the pressure in your wheel? Are you filled with the fruit of the spirit or does Satan have you so worked up that you feel as if you are going to explode?
We all pick up trash from time to time as we travel down the road of life but the object is to keep our wheel in balance and filled with the love of Jesus Christ so we can reach our eternal destination. It is imperative to understand that spiritually Satan wants us to harbor things because he knows how this can harden our hearts to the point that we destroy what we have around us. I challenge you today if there is someone that you have been holding a grudge against to let them know that you forgive them and allow God to move you forward…amen
Sometimes we have to let the air out in love in order for God to fill us back up again to move forward…
James Harrison
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