Have your ever noticed when change comes our way there are always disruptions that tend to brew in our spirits? Think about it; What happens in the weather patterns when the barometric pressure changes? Have you ever noticed the larger the change the bigger the storm? The same thing happens in our lives from our homes and in our careers when change comes our way.
The object is during the inevitable times of change to be rooted in where we stand with God and learn to trust in Him to get us through. Storms that come from change are good for us because they tend to test our faith and deepen our roots in the Lord. The unfortunate side of changes that occur is how others that don’t know how to handle the storms tend to lose their direction when they are not anchored in the Word of God and they allow themselves to get blown away.
Whenever you feel as if you can’t hold on or when you see storms coming your way learn to keep your eye on the cross and allow Jesus to show you the Way. We all tend to want to run in a storm but some storms we simply have to learn how to stand…amen
James Harrison
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