Often things happen in life that we have no control over and that we can’t even explain. Sometimes when things happen others are affected unintentionally due to the ripple affects of the wave. Unfortunately in our human nature we tend to get upset when someone rocks the boat that we are in because we never take the time to look beyond the wave that we see.
All waves start from something that are either put in place by God or allowed by God and until we learn how to recognize the purpose of the wave we will never understand the lesson that needs to be learned. Sometimes when waves come our way they are a test to not only show us what we may need to work on but they are also a test to show us the spiritual enemies that we sometimes have to face.
The object in this life is to learn how to ride the waves in the hand of God while learning to recognize the waves that we may need to avoid. Sometimes we need to get rolled around in the waves of the sea in order for God to teach us in whom to believe…amen
James Harrison
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