It is very easy to see the physical differences in people and allow these differences to cause a division within the overall body that create a barrier for us to overcome. These divisions that can come between us not only rob us of the blessings of God but they also open the door to Satan to spiritually misguide us into forgetting how we are to work together as One in the body as children of God.
Jesus tells us that we will never enter into the Kingdom of God unless we become like little children and this is where we often miss the boat as we mature. A child does not judge an individual for what they have or for where they have been, for a child just looks for the love in the individual without any partiality from within. Another part of the child like faith is that they are still teachable in their tender hearts without becoming stuck in their ways to miss what God has before them.
I challenge you today to open your heart and recall what it was like to be a child to hear the message that Jesus wants us to hear…
James Harrison
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