Yesterday, there was a lesson shared from Luke 10 on the Good Samaritan that helped someone that had been pushed aside by the very ones who claimed to follow the Word of God. This Jewish man that was in the ditch had been robbed by thieves as he traveled from one destination to the next. Who do you think was spiritually guiding the thieves to hurt this man that deserved no harm? Who do you think caused the ones to walk on by because they failed to hear another child’s cry?
There is another way to see this message when we look at it in the spiritual eyes of Christ. The man that was traveling was a child of God that Satan set out to destroy. This man can be compared to a woman that has been raped and robbed of her dignity. This man can be compared to a child of God that that has been preyed upon in molestation in order to rob them of their self esteem. This man can be compared to the poor that has been robbed by the rich in order to keep him down due to someone else’s greed, and this man can be compared to someone in the church family that is crying out in their needs while the church neglects their duties of serving the people instead of worrying about where they are going next.
Many of us have experienced pains in our life and some of us have fallen into the ditch at times but all that matters is how we pick ourselves back up again to return to the path that God has given. I challenge you today to not allow Satan to spiritually hold you down anymore in your mind or through others that are trying to rob you of who you are as a child of God!
If you are in a ditch STAND UP and dust yourself off with your hands in the air in just thinking God for how you have been spared! Recognize those that are trying to hold you down and learn to love them to show who you are in Christ to help others along the Way…amen
James Harrison
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