There is alot of wisdom that comes from God when we sincerley seek His Word and learn to listen. As we have discussed serpents and the enemy previously this week I pray that each reader of this message has the ears to hear and the eyes to see. For God teaches us through His Holy Spirit and He teaches us so much through His creation.
Here is a message on the bite of a serpent. Like any poisonous snake that injects its venom into our veins the words and actions of others are the same. See, if you are bitten by a rattlesnake you can not use the venom of a copperhead to heal the body. It takes the same exact venom from the same species of snake to counteract the poison that can destroy the body.
This message parallels the same message of sin. For if we do not address our sins as a bite of a snake and we try to cover them up without knowing the type of wound then we are setting our body up to be stunted or for decay. See the bite of the serpent works in two ways; 1) It affects the one doing the biting and 2) It affects the one that has been bitten.
The only way for the one that has been bitten to recover from the bite is through true forgiveness through the love of Jesus Christ. The object though is to recognize the snake before they strike. How do we recognize the bites of the serpent you might ask? This only comes through knowing the Word of God and the way react when bitten shows our maturity in Jesus Christ.
Too many times we try to cover up our sins with something that leaves the infection still deep within. Until we learn how to retract our bites through confession and repentance then our lives will be remain infected with a posionous venom. If this message has stirred something in your spirit and you recognize where you have bitten then I pray that you humble yourself to retract the venom from the one you bit. Or, if this message stirrs something in your spirit where you were once bitten then I pray that you will open your wound up for the healing of Jesus at the cross…Amen
For Jesus said,”Forgive them Father for they know not what they do“.
James A. Harrison
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