Have you ever been at such a point in your emotions that you felt that you could no longer control yourself? Have you ever lost control and then later regretted your actions? Our emotions can be extremely dangerous when we do not have the discernment to recognize good and evil in the self discipline of God. The next time you find yourself being consumed by a particular emotion take a step back to insure the proper impact on the future.
Don’t be blind sided spiritually by Satan in your emotions and allow him to set you back instead of trusting in God to carry you forward. This lesson is taught to us in Genesis 4 with Cain and Abel and throughout the Holy Bible. Another great lesson of this is with King Herod and the beheading of John the Baptist. King Herod allowed his sexual desires to blind him into something that he later regretted. Do you think that President Clinton and John Edwards might could relate with King Herod?
Unfortunately, we all can relate at times to allowing our emotional decisions to guide our actions and this is why it is imperative that we teach our children the Word of God to maintain our future. If there is something in you that is consuming you and robbing you of your joy turn to God in the love of Christ before you act to insure that everything stays intact…Amen
James A. Harrison
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