The object in life is to learn how to walk with God through the love of Jesus Christ to serve His purpose and not our own. For there is a time to walk, a time to jog, a time to skip, a time to run and a time rest as we learn to give our best. As a youth we like to run, but as we mature we should be learning the wisdom in knowing when to move with God and when not to simply stay in tune. For if all we do is run without learning to stop with God then how can we honestly expect to truly listen?
Here is a message that God whispered in my ear after prayer one morning in a chapel as I looked over to the piano that I so love to hear. No one was in the room but the spirit of God and myself as I walked over to the instrument to play a tune. In my walk I said,” Okay Lord, you say we can do anything if we have faith even move mountains if we believe. Not knowing the first thing about playing the piano I closed my eyes and touched one key to then hear these words upon my heart.
“The note of a piano string, how far do you hear it fading away? Do you interupt its sound before it is complete? Or, do you start another key so the notes may meet. Each note has a specific tone to its faded end and it is in this appreciation we learn to love each note to the very end. If you choose to meet one key to another let them blend in harmony together so their music will last forever. It is in this process of unity between the keys that we can hear the music of God in the air that is being played every where.”
I must admit that I can not play the piano like a gifted musician but in those few keys that were softly touched I heard those words spoken in the notes that were played. Can you hear the music that is all around and hear God’s whispers that speak to us in His beautiful sounds? Until we learn how to stop we will never learn how to listen…Amen
James A. Harrison
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