Picture yourself being at the foot of a mountain standing next to a creek and looking up to see everything in the world from good to evil. The evil has now disguised itself in the world as a ‘chameleon’ snake which changes its colors to adapt to the environment. We can now see how the snake has infected many homes many churches many work places many schools and many leaders. This infection of the snake has spread its venom to a point that we see many struggling due to the lack of true love being shown.
This is where we praise God in the valley as we begin our journey to climb. Because it is when God gives us the eyes to see and the ears to hear that we can learn how to reach our destination. Here is a piece of wisdom to always recall as you begin your climb,”Sometimes we have to be at the bottom to see the Way back up to the top. Because once we begin to ascend we then have to rely on the guide to show us the Way. Along the Way we have to learn how to follow our hearts and learn to discern between good and evil. For the evil is there to hold us back due to the Kingdom impact. The object is to never lose our perspective in the climb and to learn how to be wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove.”
One of the most awesome things toi ever discover in this life is to walk with Jesus as God shows us the Way. May I encourage you to take a moment today to analyze everything around you and in you to insure that there is nothing hindering your climb nor someone else’s. Climbing on the mountain of God is an awesome experience as we learn how to work together in serving one another…Enjoy this song The Narrow Road http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUzXKQb1VG4 by Rick Pino and I pray that you seek God for every step that you take as you discover your purpose in life through Jesus Christ….
James A. Harrison
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