Have you ever noticed how persecution can bring expansion not only in the Word that travels but in our drive to reach the promises of God? Spiritually Satan works to oppress movements of God due to losing ground where so many are held captive. Think about it! Look at Martin Luther and the Theses that he left nailed to the door on the Catholic church and how this led to the Protestant Reformation. Look at how the lack of freedom of religion led to the formation of the United States of America. Look at Martin Luther King Jr. and how the persecution and unfair rights led to the equal rights movement. Look at recent movie Courageous and how the loss of a daughter brought about a better father.
Most of all look at what took place on the cross and how the persecution of Jesus has expanded the freedom and the spread of the Good News in the Word of God. The message in this is to recognize the passion and drive that God gives to those that believe and the differences that are made for the better of mankind. Since the beginning of time man has tried to hold back movements of God but as we can all now see nothing is impossible to those that truly believe.
I pray this morning that if you are feeling oppressed or held back to not give victory to Satan any longer and that you begin to break through what is simply wrong for what is right by God. God has given us Victory through Jesus Christ and His Word carries us forward. If you are living in despair I pray that you snap out of it! For the Word of God is powerful when we trust and obey. Don’t give Satan victory and think that you can’t make a difference when you can! Change first starts within us and then it spreads to our homes and then from there. Ask God to show you through prayer and seek Godly council for your confirmations to discover your purpose in life through Jesus Christ… Watch this movie trailer on Courageous may it inspire you to make a difference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9VT_NBIVfs
James A. Harrison
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