In Genesis 41 we can learn another valuable lesson among many in how God will often give us something else to do in the Kingdom of God once we learn the lesson or lessons that need to be learned. In the physical eyes as we read why Joseph was thrown into prison we would think in our carnal minds of how he was innocent. But lets look at this through our spiritual eyes to see how he could have been guilty of inmaturity and how the Lord developed his senses for his future position.
Do you think when Joseph was in that prison that he may have reflected back on his entire life and recognized the importance of timing in sharing his dreams with his family? Do you think that maybe Joseph looked back and seen where he could have separated earlier from Potiphar’s wife when she was beginning to tempt him? Do you think that Joseph would have learned a valuable lesson in the importance of remembering someone that helps us verses forgetting them once we have moved on? Hmmm…What was the lesson with Jesus and the 10 lepers in Luke 17 with only one remembering Him that parallels this same message with Joseph?
Now, here is the spiritual lesson that is going to take some of you with the eyes to see and the ears to hear to a new light through the love of Jesus Christ. There was a reason that Joseph went to prison in order to learn further the wisdom of God and to develop his senses between good and evil. Yes, Joseph was innocent and a good man of God but the Lord was directing his steps in preparation for his season in the future.
Within these lessons can you discover anything that might help you develop your spiritual being further in the Word of God? When is the last time you spent that quiet time with the Lord and studied His Word without being distracted by the world? Do you find yourself developing your senses between good and evil or have you grown immune in this dark world and forgotten how real God is?
God is still the same today as He was yesterday and He often speaks to us is ways that we miss, simply because we don’t take the time to listen. I challenge you in the love of Christ to seek God and allow Him to show you who you really are. For we never know who we are until we learn develop a relationship with God in Christ….Amen
James A. Harrison
james says
Sheena, regarding your actions first recall that they come with a choice and in these mental choices we are to place Jesus Christ before every thought to insure that our thoughts are of GOD. Every time you overcome a temptation in what is right by GOD this is obedience and the first steps may be tough at first then tougher as the devil tries harder to get you back than as you continue to walk in the steps of the Lord He will see you through…You must be ready for change in order toichange and understand that change will twist us in every way that can be uncomfortable but when we HOLD ON is when the blessings will come….
sheena says
lease help mewit some scriptures and prayers. i knw that im in a spiritaul prison. bt i also knw that GODloves me and he wants the best for me and so does myself . i love the lord with all my heart ..but i knw somtimes my action show otherwise.. help to get closer than i am to GOD…