Like Israel’s history The United States of America is at a point of moral failure and close to collapse due to our disobedience in serving the will of God. Throughout history the facts are before us in what happens when we drift away from the Lord in our homes and in our nations. It is evident today of what is sure to come due to this disobedience and the actions of the people that are rioting around the world.
There is a fire burning in the Lord’s anger towards our disobedience and if we do not begin to face the truth in what is right before us and humble ourselves in repentance then we should prepare for what is sure to come. Without Godly leadership in our homes and in our nation this brings on rebellion and disorder due to the oppression upon the people and due to the lack of understanding in the Word of God.
There is complete chaos without Godly council and leadership in place and this is evident in what just happened in Egypt and how the journalist from America were beaten and even raped. How blind are we in America? How far must we fall into the pit before we accept the truth in what is taking place in foreign nations and here in the United States of America? For this battle is not against flesh and blood it against spiritual principalities and powers beyond our human comprehension.
This lack of spiritual understanding led naive journalist right into something that they can’t even understand in thinking that they are the ones under attack. How ignorant do we have to become before we see that without the hand of God protecting us that there is no safety wherever we travel. The Lord gives us the wisdom to understand what we are up against and He will protect us in our obedience to His Word. Don’t be naive and think that we can do this on our own for the Lord will soon show us just how weak we are as we drift too far.
Study history and the book of Judges to see the rise and fall of Jerusalem to see for yourself why they fell and how they stood again. Do we have to repeat this cycle of history once again here in America or is there still time to salvage where we are for our children’s future? Only God knows this answer and it is up to how we return to Him in how He will bless us again with the freedom between our family and friends.
America is not indestructible and in fact it is very vulnerable today due to the lack of Godly direction in our leadership and the lack of self discipline that is being displayed throughout our country. Our homes are not safe without the hand of God upon us and it is my sincere prayer that America begins to Wake Up to this truth that is being directed by the Lord.
The reason for such spiritual oppression here in America is simply because of our lack of understanding of the importance of discipline and compassion to maintain the balance and order of this country. One without the other allows Satan to spiritually rob us of our freedom in our homes and in our nation. There is a time for compassion and a time for discipline and when we allow our compassion to over take the discipline is when we are setting ourselves up for complacency and the acceptance of things that are simply not right by God!
Look at what is taking place in Wisconsin as we speak in the lack of order and direction from the leadership between the leaders and the people. The ones on the top don’t want to make their own sacrifice while looking for ways to cut the ones on the bottom. The problem is elevating due due to the lack of Godly council to maintain order and the the lack of Godly wisdom being displayed in leadership to work through the issues that they have at hand. This same issue that is taking place in Wisconsin is headed for each and every state here in The United States of America like a domino affect from one domino to the next.
The problem is obvious but no one wants to face the truth due to trying to avoid something that is sure to come in facing reality. The truth hurts when we have to open ourselves up and when we have to make decisions that affect others but if we don’t Wake Up to this truth then prepare for things to only get worse! There is nothing worse than avoiding the truth in survival and murdering innocent victims due to our pride that causes us to try and fix things within our own power. We have no power and are hopeless without God and until America Wakes Up and faces the truth the fall will only get worse in our homes and in our nation….How far must we fall before we realize who holds us up???
James A. Harrison
I beg to differ with the premise that all the upheavals were caused by God’s wrath. But then when in the history there was stability and peace all around.
You talked about crusade, what about middle ages, the kinds of bloody wars, the massacres, the loot, rape and pillage that took place.
Atleast today human rights are respected and people have greater power through democracy.
God works through nature and through human beings to correct His children and to open the eyes of others. In order to understand we first must grasp His purpose in life which is not our own. Read the book of Habakkuk and get back with me to discuss this further…
My remark on starting over simply means repent and seek His face. I say the teaching in churches has fallen too short for too long while generations of Christians absorbed too much nonsense in government schools.
Have you noticed all the atrocious disciplinary actions these ignorant unloving government schools do to children? Check out:
You see, I have not ever heard a pastor stress, “Seek and you will find” and “Don’t stop seeking until you find it. Don’t stop where others stop.” I guess the pastors think that once they get someone to come forward for baptism, then that is enough. So, fathers sit in churches doing what everyone else is doing and they are not equipped to NOT PASS ON INIQUITY, Ex 20:5KJV.
So, start anew seeking first His kingdom. When it is found, you can pass it on to your children. Wouldn’t that be a new concept? Perhaps we could raise up wise fathers, mothers, teachers, lawyers, judges, politicians, and pastors.
Love God first, and He will teach you how to love family, friends, and neighbors in virtue, justice, wisdom, and liberty. Imagine watching respectable lovable people on TV! The Bible is supposed to make people lovable and wise. The government sure ain’t gonna do it!
Where are the real pastors? Read Jeremiah. He had hard words for shepherds. So did Zacheriah.
His kingdom can be found. It is a treasure in the field. The Truth can be known, understood, and loved. Jesus is the Truth. Jesus demonstrated love for us. He did it so that we may know the Truth, Jn 8:31,32.
I can go on and on. It is getting too simple for me. But too many people won’t listen …
Oh, and I can and do forgive all who have trespassed against me, even pastors, but it is frustrating when I can’t find pastors to work with me. They want me to sit down and shut up. Stop rocking the boat, they say. I have comapassion… evidently no one taught them fully into His kingdom. Then there are the prophecies about backslidden churches whose love has grown cold… Ya think it might apply today? We do need a great awakening. I hope for Ac 2:17-21. Pour out your spirit father…
James, I do admire your zeal and your ministry. Keep going. Get confirmations from God and the Word. Our walk is a continuous journey learning to apply scripture to everything and teaching others the Truth about ourselves, our churches, and our nation. If only fathers and mothers would do the role God has given them and not pass on iniquity.
Thank you for your reponse on going further into depth on starting over. I agree with you in spirit and the only reason I asked those questions was to confirm where you stood.
The reason pastors don’t tell the flock to continue seeking and forget those that are new to faith is simply due to the extra work that it will place upon themselves.
As we learn in Isaiah we have become a society that has become fat and unruly. The people have reached a ppoint where they have totally missed the boat while others have drifted off course.
It is getting simpler for me as well and this only means that your prayer of Acts 2 is getting closer. There is a seasoning taking place here in America for what is sure to come and either way there will be glory.
Sorry if my question struck you wrong but I had to insure where you stood for the readers. We have too many people trying to take things out of context and looking for a reason to argue over something that is not debatable in the Truth of God…
I shall lay blame. I blame the the churches for hiring the government to educate their children. They hired the secularists, socialists, evolutionists, and hedonists to miseducate their children. Too many generations have been left behind. Churches are full of the same kind of people who were judged by God in the Old Testament.
The cure? Start over. Start doing what we have not been doing for decades, Mt 10:7 As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ It is near. It can be found. We can know the Truth, love it, and write it on our hearts. “The kingdom of heaven is within you” IF! If you DON”T write lies, error, and nonsense on your heart!!!! Repent! Get rid of error. Love God, hate evil.
Think of this, what would our churches look like if every man and woman was “seeking first His kingdom?” What would America’s churches and families look like if they FOUND the kingdom of heaven? What would our nation and communities look like if Truth, wisdom, justice, and love your neighbor were priority #1?
Start over. The shepherds have not been equipped to love and teach and stand on Truth. They have not been through the refining fire in this prosperous comfort seeking nation.
How far must we fall before we realize who holds us up?
Mal 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
Seek first His kingdom. Don’t stop seeking it humbly like a child until you find it. Then perhaps God’s judgment will be restrained and His people protected.
I hear you brother but I must ask this question in reference to your remark on starting over.
As Abraham pleaded with the Lord to spare the righteous before His wrath fell upon Sodom and Gomorah for their disobedience should we not be joining in the same plea?
It is easy to place blame but we must remember that the Lord instructs us to forgive and to learn from our mistakes to improve the future. I believe that all things are possible through Christ which strengthens us and I believe that it is the duty of every Christian to stand up and do what we are called to do. There are times where God has granted us mercy for our national sin as He did many times with Israel in their disobedience. With this said as we the gentiles have been grafted in through His unfailing love, then don’t we have the right to plead for mercy once again?
Whatever comes, comes and it is our place to accept God’s will while continuing to proclaime the truth in what takes place if we allow our homes and our nation to drift away from the Word of God. We should not let the disobedience of our fathers rob us of the leaders that we are to be. Let’s love them and pray for them as God opens the doors for us to be protected from His wrath that is sure to come and pray that the Lord gives us the time to prepare before the storm. We must look forward without looking back and hanging on to something that could turn us into that pillar of salt that never makes it to where God is leading….Lets not sound like our President who wants to place blame but learn to grab hold and take up the slack of those that simply failed at doing their jobs…
Press On Brother in the spiritual freedom that we still have today for others to find the eternal Way…James