In the book of Daniel we are taught a major lesson on the foods we consume and how they can affect our relationship with God. Our society as a whole has fallen into over consumption and eating unhealthy foods that have affected us physically which in turn hurts us spiritually. It is easy to eat and then diet but real discipline which comes from God is learning to balance your diet in a healthy manner that will give you positive results mentally, physically and best of all spiritually.
Temptations come from all directions and until we recognize how to control ourselves in our diet and in our actions then we face a continuous cycle of ups and downs. By learning to fast and do without at times shows discipline and sacrifice in seeking not what we want but by learning what God wants in our attention that will help us to grow strong physically and spiritually. In the New Testament Jesus taught us a very wise lesson in what we consume. He taught us this, “It is not what we take in but what we retain and what comes out.” If we would apply this wisdom to our diet and to everything else in life could you only begin to imagine how much healthier our world and our relationships would be?
James Harrison
Hi, gr8 post thanks for posting. Information is useful!
FYI, when I was writing the book Special Delivery I did a personal study on myself in the affects of different foods that contained preservatives verse fruits or nuts and how the amount of food we consumed affected the depth of my studies and writing. This process lasted 7 months and every morning I began around 6am in study and then shifted from writing in my spiritual journal to then writing until 3pm everyday Monday through Saturday. During this time I would not eat but only snack and it was amazing at what took place. It is plain to see the results in the spiritual journey of the book Special Delivery. I have never written poetry in my life and throughout the book it is filled with poetry that contains messages of deep thought when someone really stops to hear in what is being said.
I say all of this to you to pay attention to your diet and learn to balance the types of foods you eat based upon your daily task and this will give you positive results.