In John 8 Jesus forgave an adulterous woman that was being brought to judgment by others. Her sin brought others to such anger that they wanted to stone her and they brought her to Jesus trying to trap Him due to their own lack of understanding and recognition of the Truth within Him. The interesting part about this message is after Jesus told the crowd to let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone that they began to walk away but it was the order in which they walked where we learn another lesson.
The Word says that they began to slip away one by one beginning with the oldest. As I read this and prayed the Lord pointed out the order in which the accusers were in and then He recalled the lesson of new wine in an old wine skin. For Jesus was new wine and the old refused to receive the new and in this oreder in which they left this means that the old were the ones so adoment to stone and trap Jesus but failed to succeed after He spoke the Truth.
How often is that we look upon someone elses sin without looking upon our own? The Lord tells us that we receive mercy as we give mercy and He also tells us that we are accountable for causing others to stumble. As the old ones in this lesson that were misleading the young there is another lesson within that lesson….
James A. Harrison
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