Everyday we walk across thresholds into different rooms of life, but how often do stop to consider the ground that we walk upon as well as the environment within the room? Another area to consider prior to crossing the thresholds of life is to be aware of what we are taking in as well as taking out. At times, the steps we take across thresholds can be the hardest steps we ever take. Why is this you might ask? Well, think about it! Often the steps we take across thresholds lead into the unknown or they can lead us back into areas that were once disturbed. These are the very steps that are required in order for us to be set free from the spiritual bondage of Satan.
Disturbed spirits are often wounded spirits that can occur from something as simple as lack of communication, body gestures, hurtful words, actions made or from the lack of action. This barrier of sin that can separate us from the blessings of God is one of the most important thresholds to ever recognize due to the importance of mercy and grace. It is easy in our human nature to avoid specific thresholds due to the pain, the work, the humility and the forgiveness that may be required. But every time we move on without first attempting to reconcile the areas that need to be addressed and receiving the blessings of God to move forward then we are allowing Satan to have spiritual victories that can hold us back in life.
Another area of a disturbed spirit is the spirit of fear that often occurs when we are walking into the unknown. The reason many of us at times allow fear to hold us back is due to not wanting to let go and simply place our trust in the hands of God. It is in our human nature to fight for survival but when we learn to live a surrendered life of trusting in the Lord then He will show us the Way. This is a very difficult stage of the flesh due to letting go of what we see and learning how to simply trust in Him for the unknown.
Can you recall as a child when you were learning to ride a bike? Can you recall the security in the love of your parents as they helped you maintain your balance as they walked by your side? This lesson was taught by Jesus in Matthew 21:1-3. Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her (colt) by her. Untie (them) and bring (them) to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs (them), and he will send (them) right away.”
What does this message teach us about thresholds you might ask? Think about it! Can you see how the actions and the reactions of the donkey could have played a roll into the new areas her colt? Do you think that maybe how she crossed certain thresholds that this could have helped her colt face its fears of the unknown? There was a comfort in the colt walking by the side of its mother as there was a comfort in knowing that our parents walked by our side as we learned to balance that bike to further the ride. The object in life is to develop a relationship with our Heavenly Father through the love of Jesus Christ and then this will cast out all fears of the unknown that can take us forward.
Knowing the ground that we walk upon and the environment in which we enter is vital to understand. For the last thing that any loving Christian should ever want is to take something into a home that could defile the body or to walk into an environment of sin that can bring an infection. This infection can happen through the lack of faith, complacency, gossip, judgement or lets simply say,”Satan.” Another object to understand is the development of our senses to good and evil through the Word of God in order to insure the steps that we take. As we mature with Christ then this cast out any fears of walking into the unknown and there should be peace in our communication because we know that He has already cleared the Way.
As God directed Moses to place the blood of the lamb on the doorpost to protect our homes Jesus taught us the importance of washing our feet. The blood covers us, the Word cleans us and the humility is what gets us in. So with all of this being said this morning lets examine our own feet in the Word of God to insure that we are not being held back at the threshold of God simply because of the step that we choose to not accept and then take. We all have thresholds to cross and the object is to insure that we are allowed in..amen
James A. Harrison
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