Have you ever noticed how the human race tries to create something that they can not? There are scientist trying to create life and they can’t even properly explain our birth. There have been leaders that tried to create specific atmospheres like Hitler, Sodom and others who restricted the people because they could not properly govern the people. There have been churches that developed so many rules that they have quenched the Spirit of God due to their own lack of understanding of how to trust in God rather than in man.
It is vital that we recognize the difference between a controlling atmosphere and the climate of God that is governed with self discipline to maintain the freedom that we have been given. Over the years of individuals getting away from the Truth in the Holy Bible and not teaching the spiritual deception of Satan man has developed man made rules to follow due to the less work that is required to properly teach what needs to be taught in the Word of God.
When we do not teach our children how to maintain their freedom through the Word of God and how to seek God for the guidance in the choices that they have to make then we are only setting them up to be devoured by Satan in their unbridled emotions that will cause them many heartaches and pains. In the freedom of God we learn to appreciate His command to maintain what we have been given and to grow stronger for our children’s future. For when we learn to truly love one another is when we learn to appreciate what it takes to maintain the love that we have…amen
If we do not know how to stand on the principles of God then all we will ever do is continue to fall…
James Harrison
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