A few years ago I heard a true story from a friend who had a young son that would not listen. He shared with me about an experience and a lesson that took place with his son and how the grandfather got to witness the consequences of his grandsons wrong actions as well. They were all standing outside in the yard talking while the young son kept stomping on a shovel kicking the handle up in the air.
The father kept telling his son to stop it because if he kept on he could get hurt. As the two elders continued their conversation the young child that would not listen continued to disobey and stomp on the shovel throwing the handle in the air. The father warned him once again but with a stronger voice in hoping his son would take heed but sure enough the son still chose to not listen.
With the fathers voice getting more sturn and the child becoming more defiant the father chose to sit back in order for a lesson to be learned. It wasn’t long after that when the child stomped on the shovel that it came up so quickly that it nailed him right between his eyes. The child then ran to his father with tears of pain and the father did not scold him but comforted him in love.
See this lesson of a father allowing his son to get hurt due to his disobedience did not mean that he did not love the child. The father knew that if his son would not listen that the best lesson learned is a lesson from the consequences of his actions. Can you see how this lesson relates with us today through our Father in Heaven above? Why is it that we choose to not listen and that we have to be hit between the eyes to see?
When we choose to not listen is when we simply have to learn things the hard way….
James A. Harrison
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