Are there seekers on this web site? I think there are because I have read some comments and such. Let me say that we as a church really need to be seeking, seeking the kingdom of heaven (in the New Testament, Mt 6:33) and seeking the Truth and understanding (wisdom in the Old Testament, Proverbs chapt. 8). These really are both the same. Finding His kingdom and finding understanding are the same thing, but it is a process and a test of a pure heart that is courageous enough to trust God and apply His word to ourselves and our world around us. As we take steps of faith seeking confirmations, the Holy Spirit will lead us into Truth and renew our minds. Obviously, “every word from the mouth of God” cannot pop into our minds instantly, so we as seekers must read and study the scriptures. We must write them on our heart and love the correction that the scripture brings (the conviction of the Holy Spirit). This is loving our Father in Heaven, for He has preserved His Truth for us, and He has provided a reason for us to love Him. He gave His son for our forgiveness and ignorance. “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus laid down His life because He truly loved us. Now we have reason to love Him in return. “If you love me, you will obey my commands.”
Life is about Truth and love. We are not born with Truth and love, therefore we must seek it with all our heart, mind, and strength. He is faithful. All who seek, find, but be repentant, pure in heart, and courageous “good soil,” because the devil wishes to hold you back, confuse you, and give you doubt. Even well intentioned friends may mislead, but we can be Berean and search the scriptures when people we love and trust say things that don’t quite register right. Truth and love, they are why we were created and they are life. “I am the way, the Truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” These verses are off the top ovf my head, so I don’t know the chapter and verse numbers. Once again, life is about God’s Truth and love. Choose life, choose Truth.
On this forum thread, I’d like to share my understanding of the Scriptures. The scriptures are simple to me and I am confident in my faith and understanding. I say this because I want to point out that this is where we all need to go. The Scriptures empower each individual according to their own faith and understanding. I do not empower people with Truth. The Truth was written before I was born, therefore the Truth, God, empowers you. I am not insecure because I hunger and thirst for righteousness and Truth, just like you, right? I desire corrections to my errors in this thread. We must “iron sharpens iron.” Please correct me and ask questions. It can be fun encouraging one another as we honestly seek confirmations. Perhaps I can confirm your “unsure” understanding, you can do the same for me.
It is essential that every believer read the entire Bible. Only then, can the Truth come together in simplicity and completely, light bulbs will literally come on in your head when Jesus (His kingdom) rises in your heart, 2Pe 1:19. On this thread, I will start from the beginning, but also refer to other parts of the Bible because scripture confirms scripture. Note: How many people in your church have read the entire Bible? How many have taken “scary” steps of faith seeking confirmations? You see, this is what our churches are missing. They are missing a complete and simple understanding, and they are missing a lot of love in action which is where the joy of the Lord is found.Love in action can at times require steadfast boldness in speaking and defending the Truth about love, virtue, wisdom, justice, and mercy. God is love, and sometimes love requires rebukes (If you love someone who is in error, you will correct them, kindly and firmly). Some people in the family of God are soldiers (warriors) with the gifts of the Spirit to stand. I am one of them, but others may be peacemakers, healers, prophets, teachers, encouragers, and with other needed gifts. So, some of my posts may be taken as harshness, but Truly, it is born out of love for the Truth and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Notice that Jesus was very harsh at times, too. Especially with the “know it all” Pharasees. The Truth is good news, though. Jesus came to save, not condemn. The world was condemned under sin before He got here. He wouldn’t condemn it again and leave, would he? The Truth will set you free!!!!! Free to love and free to stand and teach the Truth correctly.
I really want to bring God’s Truth into simplicity, and let the Holy Spirit confirm it to your heart. I hope others will respond and add to this thread. It will be good.From the beginning in Genesis, I will add comments and application to our reality today. I do have a gift of sarcasm, so please don’t take offense. Just giving fair warning. Now, the reason I am doing this is because I read some posts from a guy who is struggling. He seemed to be really turning things over in his mind, without making much progress. I simply want to help. That is what brothers are for!
Until the next post, may God draw near to you! He certainly will, if you draw near to Him.
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