Some people invest all their energy in pursuit of money, success, possessions or a career. If these idols were taken away only an empty shell would be found. The only way to protect yourself against such loss is to invest your life in the living God whom you can never lose. The Lord teaches us to help others and when we help someone else in true love then we are investing back in the Kingdom of God.
Have you considered your investment in the Kingdom or are you too busy trying to hang on to what you temporarily have here on Earth? Don’t allow Satan to spiritually misguide you in greed or in chasing false idols because in the end you will find that your life was empty and without purpose. There is nothing more inspiring than to discover your purpose in life through the love of Jesus Christ and serving within the Kingdom of God. If your life seems empty and void then seek God’s Word for your life to take shape in truly discovering who you are as a child of God.
James A. Harrison
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