The Lord recently led me from my daily writings at BLM, to living it out in faith, at a little place on the edge of the TN River called The Outpost located in Pickwick, TN.
Are You A Fisherman?
A skilled fisherman learns the characteristics between the different species of fish. They study their habits, their diet and their habitat. Not only does a fisherman study those characteristics but they study their actions during the different seasons and during the storms. In order to become a good fisherman it requires faith, perseverance and grace in order to experience the catch and release. Another requirement of a fisherman is to stay awake at all times and to be recognize the signs in order to set the hook. Sometimes we have to change the color of our lures due to the mood of the fish and what they are hungry for. For there is only ONE bait that is guaranteed to lure them in and that is the attractant of love that gets them in the net in order for JESUS to bring them in…amen
Matthew 4 “”Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”
James A. Harrison
The Outpost…
Jonathan left camp to go to the Outpost due to the Israelites being stuck in fear rather than simply trusting God. Jonathan stepped out with his armor bearer and with God. As they went into the enemy territory Jonathan prayed and asked God to go before them and He did. What was Jonathans intentions some may ask? It was simple Jonathan saw how his father Saul was lacking faith and how it was having a negative impact on the people. So Jonathan was willing to risk his own life in faith and willing to break the order of man that was holding everyone back… Yes, they went into the enemy camp but there comes a time in life when the enemy is gaining ground and weakening the people that we as children of God have to step out in faith to reclaim what has been robbed by Satan!!! That 1st starts in our own life and then gains ground from there…For we are all nothing but dust from the Earth but everything with Jesus who gives us Victory in faith…amen.. View this link to here more testimonies from…The Outpost
James A. Harrison
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