Have you ever considered the purpose of a set of blue prints before you begin to build a home? Can you see a costly issue without a set of drawings? How about the importance of having the skills for the trade and the proper tradesman to assist as you need? Without the skills can you possibly see some costly lessons that will be learned along the Way? Have you ever considered the most important part of the construction within your home?
Without the proper foundation that is fastened to the rock then every other home will struggle to stand and is destined to fall. Many people in life and even myself at one time try to build something without the proper understanding and before we were mature enough to maintain. The world likes to speed things up where God wants us to stay in tune as we continue to apply the blueprints of instruction in His Word to our lives in order to balance our homes.
For every nail that is driven are nails that hold it all together in love…Without the nails we only fall apart as the winds of sin begin to blow…
James A. Harrison
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