If the Lord was to call you home in this very moment of reading this message would you honestly be ready to go? Or, would there be some last minute things to take care of before you could part? Would you be torn in your decision to depart due to some others that could be left behind?
We never know the day nor the hour that God may call us home and with this being said it would be wise to be ready with no unspoken words to those you love. Learning to live day by day teaches us how to make the most out each day without any regretts and it teaches us to appreciate the time we have before it is time to go.
May I strongly encourage you this morning to look into the mirror of God to insure that there is nothing holding you back and to insure that you are ready to go. For if we never learn how to die in the flesh then we never learn how to live in the spirit…
Jesus tells us in Luke 17:33 “If you cling to your life , you will lose it and if you let your life go you will save it.”
James A. Harrison
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