It is very easy in life to miss the gentle whisper of God when we fail to stay in tune. In order to hear the Lord’s instruction it is vital that our hearts stay humble without allowing the distractions of what we physically see to restrict how the Lord teaches us to believe. The Lord speaks to us in many different ways and the longer we neglect His whisper the louder the message will become.
When we learn to recognize the voice of the Lord and begin to follow His guidance daily is when our lives will become consumed with peace as we continue to grow in His Word. Learning to align our lives in the will of God requires us to listen and take heed to His voice. You may ask,”How do I know it is spirit of God speaking?” One simple answer is it for good or is it for evil. Sometimes when we don’t have that clear answer is when it is wise to wait on God to insure that we are not being misled by the one that comes disguised as an angel of light.
Is there something in your life that the Lord is telling you that you need to do? If so, why put it off any longer? For the longer we delay that simple step can turn into a hard climb. Always remember this,”Don’t look at how high the mountain may be but learn to take it one step at a time. For the evil one wants us to give up but our Heavenly Father gives us a promise and we have to learn how to stand on His Word.”
Here are some verses for reference to further your study on His Promise:
You say: “Its impossible” God says: “All things are possible” Luke 18:27 / You say: “ I’m too tired” God says: “ I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28-30 / You say: “ Nobody really loves me” God says: “ I love you” John 3:16 / You say: “I can’t go on”God says: “ My Grace is sufficient” II Cor 12:9 Psalms 91:15 / You say: “I can’t fiqure things out” God says: “ I will direct your steps” Proverbs 3: 5-6 / You say: “ I can’t do it” God says: “ You can do all things” Philippians 4:13 / You say: “ I’m not able” God says: “I am able” II Cor:9:8 /You say: “ It’s not worth it” God says: “ It will be worth it” Romans 8:28 / You say: “ I can’t forgive myself” God says: “ I forgive you” I John 1-9 Romans 8:1 / You say: “ I can’t manage” God says: “ I will supply all your needs” Philippians 4:19 / You say: “ I’m afraid” God says: “ I have not given you a spirit of fear II Timothy 1:7 / You say: “I don’t have enough faith” God says: “I’ve given everyone a measurer of faith” Romans 12:3 / You say: “I’m not smart enough” God says: “I give you wisdom” I Corinthians 1:30 / You say: “I feel alone” God says: “I will never leave you or forsake you” Hebrews 13:5
To God Be The Glory….amen
James A. Harrison
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