In The book of Luke 10 Jesus teaches us how to be alert and recognize the needs of othere’s that have been robbed not only physically but also spiritually by Satan. Through a lesson of a man that was robbed by thieves and left in a ditch Jesus teaches us to help those that have been abused without just walking on by.
If you notice in this lesson the very ones who claim to follow the Word of God were the very ones that walked over him in the ditch and passed him by. Can you imagine what their conversation must have been with the man in the ditch as he reached out to them in need of help? Jesus tells us that the priest saw the man before he arrived and he just decided to avoid him by stepping to the other side. The next person that walked on by was the temple assistant who acknowledged the man in the ditch probably with an offering of prayer to feel like he did his part before stepping over him.
Helping someone is more than just offering our prayers for those that are in need and placing our responsibilities on others to do our part. We never know who God might place in our path daily to test our faith and to see how we follow. If God has put someone in your path that may be in a ditch don’t avoid them and look the other way. For Jesus tells us to love thy neighbor as thyself and if you were the very one in the ditch how would you feel when your brother or sister in Christ just walked on by without hearing your internal cry?
James Harrison
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